Donate today to send a food basket to a Cuban family
Baskets will be sent to those most in need. CCS members can send directly to someone that you specify (only in Havana). Every $125 donated provides a family with a week's worth of produce, dairy and meat delivered to their home from an organic farm.

Baskets will be sent to those most in need. CCS members can send directly to someone that you specify (only in Havana). Every $125 donated provides a family with a week's worth of produce, dairy and meat delivered to their home from an organic farm.
The Center for Cuban Studies (CCS)
is a non-profit, tax-exempt educational institution with a national membership base. It was founded as a library and information center in 1972 by a group of scholars, writers, artists and other professionals. Their purpose was to help counter the negative effects of U.S. policy toward Cuba, especially relating to informed education.The Center works to contribute to a full normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States, including an end to the embargo. It is dedicated to providing information about contemporary Cuba through public programs, exhibits in its Cuban Art Space, a library of contemporary cultural works and travel programs to Cuba. Through its Lifeline Fund, it contributes direct aid to people in need.
The food baskets we send come from an organic farm in Havana, and are delivered directly to people's homes, so we are supporting both people in need and small independent farmers.
For memberships and other donations please visit our main donation page
Visit us in person at:
20 Jay St. Suite 301
Brooklyn NY 11201
email to
(212) 242-0559